
Radiography – known as X-Ray – is the oldest and most frequently used imaging procedure. A safe and non-invasive exam, X-Rays can help physicians diagnose a myriad of medical conditions.

What is an X-Ray?

Radiography – commonly known as X-Ray – refers to procedures that use standard X-rays to view parts of the body. X-Rays use a very low dose of radiation, making it an extremely safe diagnostic tool.

Why get an X-Ray?

X-Rays are most commonly used to detect and diagnose many conditions, such as bone fractures, arthritis, pneumonia, and other conditions.

How do I prepare for an X-Ray?

There is no special preparation required for most X-Rays. You may be asked to change into a gown and to remove any jewelry, glasses, and any other metal objects that could obscure the images.

What will I experience during and after an X-Ray?

A conventional X-Ray is a simple, painless procedure that enables the radiologist to analyze the bony and soft tissue anatomy for diagnosis. The average X-Ray exam takes 10-15 minutes.