Looking for Outpatient Imaging in Union City, NJ?

At Hudson River Radiology, we offer a variety of scanning services in Union City, performed by a team of talented radiologists whose aim is to make your procedures efficient and painless. Getting told that you require radio imaging can be an uncomfortable if not scary proposition given the cause for it. We understand that it can be tough to face potential health concerns or unpleasant to be forced to lie still or in confined spaces.

Ultra-Low Dose CT Scan

A CT scan (Computed Tomography) is one of the most frequently used imaging procedures. It uses a tiny dose of radiation that is now equivalent to that of routine x-rays. They utilize a lower dose of radiation than used in previous years to account for the concerns regarding radiation exposure. CT scans are generally used when the physician believes the benefits of getting the scan outweigh the risks of said exposure. They are overwhelmingly successful at identifying underlying health concerns inside of the body pertaining to organs, bones, and other internal tissues.

A CT scan is a relatively simple procedure that will require some light fasting beforehand as indicated by your doctor. You may also be asked to refrain from taking certain medications if you meet qualifying factors. The process generally takes anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes, depending on the degree of imaging necessary.


Also known as radiography, an X-Ray is the most commonly used imaging procedure there is. It’s safe, non-invasive and takes only 10-15 minutes to complete. X-Rays are typically utilized to identify bone breaks but can also be used to identify conditions such as arthritis or even pneumonia.


This is a procedure that involves placing a transducer of the skin to provide imaging for an area. An ultrasound yields high-quality images in effort to provide more accurate medical diagnosis. They are highly effective at producing images of soft tissues areas such as blood vessels, thyroid, or areas related to pregnancy. They are commonly used for regular checkups on babies still in-utero.

Breast Imaging Scans

Breast cancer is a highly treatable form but only when detected and diagnosed early. Various methods of scanning, such as mammograms and ultrasounds, are used for detection.

Diagnostic Mammograms are low-energy x-rays focused on the breast to detect masses or calcifications that cannot typically be felt by hand. This takes longer than a regular screening as it is focused on getting more images to provide further detail and provide an accurate diagnosis and course for treatment. This is often seen as the most effective method for screening breast cancer.

Ultrasounds are also effective at examining soft tissues for swelling or infection and contain no radiation. Ultrasounds take roughly 30 minutes.


Please note, MRIs are not currently available at our Union City location but are expected to be shortly. Please contact the Union City office at (201)-330-1606 for more information.

An MRI machine uses a magnetic field and radio waves to create images of the organs and internal body tissues. It’s effective at locating brain and spinal anomalies, tumors, breast cancer, heart problems, joint abnormality, liver disease, endometriosis, signs of infertility, and much more.

An MRI is non-invasive and completely painless. In some cases, you may be given an IV with a special fluid to help illuminate specific organs on the images. This procedure cannot be used if a person has shrapnel or other metallic foreign bodies inside of them like cochlear implants or pacemakers. An MRI, on average, takes anywhere between 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Your Imaging Specialists in Union City, NJ

We understand that imaging is a process that can be tension-filled due to fear or claustrophobia. The gentle care of our Radiology team will make sure that you and your loved ones are safe and comfortable throughout the entire process. We take pride in our role in identifying health concerns so that we can get you back to good health as soon as possible. Come to Hudson River Radiology located at 120-152 48th St #120 in Union City, NJ. Call us today at (201)-330-1606 to schedule your next imaging service appointment.